Saturday 26 January 2008

Aspartame is safe, says John E. Garst

He's posted a comment, saying:

"BS. If you want the true facts about aspartame visit,, or better yet the full text 2007 Magnuson review

The latter is conducte by 10 experts in the field.

John E. Garst, Ph.D. (Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology"

John may be right. I hope he is.

It could be that it's all in my mind - but I've just drank 25oml of diet coke (after none for four days) and my face feels hot, I feel slightly sick and my tinnitus got slightly worse.

I was so scared of tinnitus - but it's volume has dropped, since one week ago (I don't know if this is to do with my cutting back on diet cola - but it does seem to have increased in volume after my 250ml of diet coke).

After drinking it I feel slightly foggy - like the two halves of my brain are joined together - which I like, but I don't like the increased tinnitus, sick feeling and hot flushes.

I think I associate the foggy feeling with creativity - this is something I've got to break. There must be a way around it.

One thing that also scares me: Diet Coke with me is an addiction - I know I'll feel sick if I drink it - yet I have to drink it (I know this sounds silly - but it's true) - so what the hell is it doing to me to create such an addiction?

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